Florida Judgment Enforcement / Recovery explained.

Walter L. SandersJudgment Enforcement / Recovery

Florida judgment enforcement

Why might a Florida Judgment Enforcement be necessary at times? The unfortunate reality is that receiving a favorable court judgment is not always enough to guarantee a happy ending. All too often, the losing party simply doesn’t pay up, leaving you with nothing more than frustration. This is where our firm’s expertise in Judgment Enforcement and Recovery can help you. Our reputable law services can retrieve the debt for you by means of professional and legal collection methods. To name a few:

  • Levies allow for the seizure of the debtor’s property or personal assets to assist with repayment of the debt.
  • Bank/Wage garnishments permit a creditor to temporarily freeze a bank account or collect a percentage of the debtor’s paychecks until they have repaid the amount owed.
  • Depositions allow for an interview with the debtor while they are under oath. Based on their testimony, we will be able to determine which assets can be seized in order to satisfy the amount owed. An attempt to fraudulently transfer the assets to a third party will result in a lawsuit.
We can make it happen

Having problems collecting on a judgment in the state of Florida?

WS Collection Law has extensive experience in a wide range of creditor collection services. We have a specialty in the knowledge of the Florida statutes involved in Judgment Enforcement. We will use every ounce of it to ensure that your Florida judgment recovery is fairly and effectively enforced. If you are having problems collecting the debts owed to your company, contact our experienced attorneys right away. Walter L. Sanders will review the debts in question and will advise you of the next steps you should take to collect your money.

Reach out to us by contacting WS Collection Law today. Make it happen.

“Aggressive debt collection strategies in a minimum amount of time and at minimum client cost”